New Year Who Dis?
The Christmas period probably got you feeling like a sack of those potatoes you got roped into peeling – but don’t let that dim your sparkle. Tons of us are going to be promising ourselves world domination in the new year – gym bod, clean eating, maybe I’ll finally get my dream job. Well, our challenge to you is – be mindful when laying out what you want to achieve in 2020.
Changing habits can be difficult, so before you commit to your resolutions, take a step back and mentally prepare for the change. As your thinking about the changes you’d like to see in the new year consider the following:
– Set goals that motivate you
– Limit your resolutions to a manageable amount
– Be specific about what new habits you want to adopt
– Share resolutions with your circle
Don’t give up and if you find yourself falling off track, pick yourself back up and carry on.
We are routing for you <3